*Update 11/10/10
This spree is close. Thanks to those place orders. I will process the order shortly and those who haven't yet make a payment please do so asap. Your delay lead to me delay on placing orders. Thanks!

Hi! I've uploaded pic of Irfan wearing Woombie swaddle in my FB album yesterday and some mommies asking me about it! Since the thing is very light and small packing it's not worth paying RM42 (FRE) for the shipping. So I decided to help mommies save on the shipping by held a coop order for this item. Prices as listed:

The Original Woombie RM130.00

The Summer Woombie RM130.00

LEGGIES Woombie - RM135.00

Preemie 1.3kg - 2.7kg
Newborn 2.3kg - 5.9kg
Big baby 6.4kg - 8.6kg
Mega 9kg - 11.3kg

You can see colors available for each type in this page http://www.thewoombie.com/placeorder.html

Prices shown is inclusive of USPS ship to M'sia and POSLAJU to your address. This coop will be open untill 30th Sept 2010. Full payment is expected by 5th Oct. 2010. Item will be shipped to Malaysia and my partner will deliver it to your address by Poslaju. Expected date to ship to M'sia is 12th Oct. 2010. Expected date to arrive M'sia is 20th Oct. 2010. So, if your due date is before this date, you might want to consider getting one size bigger for your little one unless your due date is Nov and up. Newborn grows fast! For ex: Irfan is 6w in the pic, he is 5.2kg and wearing Big Baby size.

To place your order is write comment to this entry or email me in this format.

Color: (visit this page for more color available http://www.thewoombie.com/placeorder.html)

If you have any question in mind pls. don't hesitate to ask ok dear!

Selamat Hari Raya and Eid Mubarak to all visitor! I know some of you already back to work on the 4th and 5th day of Syawal but I'm pretty sure there'll be a lot of open house this weekend in M'sia! Same goes here in Denver. Meriah jugak sambut  hari raya kat sini!

September is a  National Sewing Month in US. I received few of newsletter from online fabrics shop informing they are having attractive discount for sewers or anyone looking for fabric and notion! You may want to take a look at at Joann.com, Quilthome.com and Fabric.com. However in my entry today is about mix and match fabric for your project! I was looking for set of fabrics to remake the infant car seat cover for my new baby Irfan and without doubt I went ahead to Etsy because most fabric seller in Etsy have a very good eyes of color! Look at their fabric bundle by yard offer!


Isn't they beautiful-licous to own? Click on this link to browse over two thousand combination of fabrics in Etsy. If you see something that you like just email me the links and I will quote the price for you! Remember i can fit up to 7 yards in Flat Rate Envelop (FRE) cost only RM42 shipping to Malaysia and other country too!

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